If you have a new blog, you’ll quickly understand why some bloggers open up their site for guest blogs and why some are even hiring content writers from the multitude of Lakeland marketing services available to them. There’s only so much that an individual can do for a website. And while hiring authors for your website is the smarter move because it allows you to have more control over the quality of content, it is more practical to accept blog posts that can keep your content schedule full.

Guest submissions are an excellent way to diversify your blog. Though the topics should still be related to your niche, the tone is a little different. These blog posts can bring in a new kind of audience to your site. Instead of marketing to the same audience each time a blog is published, the guest author can bring in more people because he will also be sharing a link of the blog post to his network.

Check Out Freelance Sites

The easier way to get guest blog posts is to hire one for a post. Offer payment in exchange for a blog post. As long as the content complies with your topics, the tone of your blog, and the quality that you expect, you can pay as much as $100 for a single post. Take note that this amount can be lower or higher, depending on how many words the post should be, the deadline, and the kind of topic you want the author to talk about. Research-rich and technical topics tend to be more expensive. If you want the author to talk about mathematics, science, and technology, expect to be charged a lot more than $100.

Reach Out to Authors

Do you follow any blogs? Have you read a blog that you think is perfect for your website? You’re hoping someone can create a post that well-written for your blog. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the blog’s author. The byline usually appears after the title of the blog or in the footer of the page. If there’s no email address attached to the name, look for it on Google.

Who knows? Maybe this author is open to guest posting on your blog. Or, the author could be offering guest posting as Lakeland marketing services. If you think that the author can create quality content for your blog, then ask for the rates so that you can prepare for it.