If your website cannot be found on Google’s search engine results page (SERPs) for queries related to your business, people may never know that your business exists. No matter how incredible your branding is or innovative your product is, not ranking on Google’s first-page results is the worst thing you can do for your Lakeland internet marketing.

Check Your Current Search Ranking

Where do you currently rank in Google’s search results? Before changing your SEO strategy, you need to know where you stand. You can check your page ranking with tools such as SERPs.com. Once you’ve entered the information needed such as the keyword and domain name, you can check out your ranking on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It will also show you the site’s loading speed.

Make A Keyword List

Create a keyword list for each page of your website, depending on what message you’re trying to send to your consumers. Some of the things you need to consider are the conversion rate of the keywords, the central topics under which the keywords will be grouped into, and the keywords that could generate content and drive traffic.

Optimize The Pages For Your Audience

Review your buyer persona to make your website more effective, boost your Lakeland internet marketing, and give it more opportunity to rank on the first-page results. By targeting what your target market is looking for, you can produce high-quality content that is educational, insightful, and persona.

Produce Quality Content

A quality copy does not mean well-researched content for your Lakeland internet marketing. It also means having a strong anchor text and clearly defined headlines that will make it easier for Google’s algorithm to recognize your site as an authority. You need to incorporate your keyword naturally into your content to humanize your brand and create a better customer experience.

Optimize Page Titles

Include the keyword on your page’s title. More specifically, use it at the beginning of the page’s title tag. Then, describe what the page is all about but use a different word related to the main keyword to make the page more flexible and versatile. This widens the net of search terms that the title may appear for.

Write Meta Descriptions Well

Your meta description doesn’t have a direct effect on your site’s SEO. However, it boosts the readability of the page because readers are more enticed to click on a link that is eye-catching and attention-grabbing. Each meta description should be unique, contain the main keywords, and be no more than 160 characters.