It is important to recognize the value of each and every single professional who works on a single Lakeland web design project. After all, it is only through the contributions of every single person that brings the website design that you see and use. However, if the different departments can’t work together, then it will be hard for them to create the best website design to achieve their goals.

One thing that you have to watch out for is the clashing of your Lakeland web design and content professionals. You may assume that both departments have nothing to do with each other, but they are both equally important in their roles. Read on to learn more about how the design and content teams can clash so that these mistakes can be avoided.

Letting anybody handle the content

One of the worst things you can do to your content professional is to work under the presumption that anybody can write, so it doesn’t matter who handles the content. If you give this cobbled-together collection of pieces to your current content professional for them to “fix”, they will probably lose it.

There’s nothing more difficult than fixing badly created content by people who aren’t even writers, to begin with. One common misconception is the idea that all writers are the same, so you can allow a technical writer to create website copy. If you want quality content, learn the different types of writers, and invest in the right one for the job.

Not giving them the assets they need

Do not tell the writer that if they want to come up with content for the Lakeland web design, they should just “figure it out”. Give them the assets that they need to create the website content that you need to enhance your website. Whether it’s product images, logos, and other elements, they’re going to need these.

Lack of feedback

Another common issue is the lack of feedback, especially when the feedback is given at the last possible minute. Content creators want to come up with the content that your website needs, but if you don’t give them the feedback they need, you’re not going to go anywhere.

Being vague about what the design needs for content

It is common practice for people to tell their content creators to simply take a look at their websites and their competitors to see what they want in terms of content. Be more specific about what you want. What kind of tone are you looking for? What is the end goal of your website design?