Knowing which images to use on and off the web will make for a successful marketing campaign. Sending the right message across to your target audience with the use of content and images is a powerful marketing tool. That’s why it’s equally important to focus on the message and the images you use for your Tampa web design. When done correctly, the blog posts (with images) can increase web traffic and conversion rates.


JPG or JPEG is the most popular image format. By default, we all use JPG when we save images on our computers. But what we don’t see is that JPGs are not exactly the best format when it comes to printing images. Even on the web, the edges of the objects in the image can feel a little disjointed. JPG, however, is highly compatible with almost all devices and platforms. It is small in size, which is the reason for that “lossy” image quality. The loss in quality is visible on the text and small details.


This is another common image format. It boasts of “lossless” compression, so you can use PNG for the web. The downside is that it has a very large file size, owing to its high quality. This might make it impractical for use on the web since web pages need to load fast to retain customers.

It is also not the best image format for print because it doesn’t support the 4-color (CMYK) process. On the other hand, PNG is best used for screencap. It is used for images with less than 16 colors and it supports transparency.


You’ve seen GIF all around social media. This is an excellent image format for images with limited colors that need to be small in size. It has high levels of compression, but the image quality will suffer. As a result, you don’t usually see this image format being used to print images. However, the one good thing about GIF is that it can be animated. That’s why it’s one of the most popular formats on the internet.


This has the highest quality in terms of image formats. It should be used for commercial printing and never on the web. Your web page will have a hard time loading if you use TIF for the images. You should keep this image format as a copy of the images, so you’ll always have a high-quality original with lossless compression. To use for Tampa web design, export is as JPG first.