The progress of Lakeland website design has always been an interesting thing to witness. From the flat and text heavy landscapes of the late 1990s, to the large buttons and popular shadowy color palettes of the early to mid 2000s, web design is a field that is always in constant progress and development. However, there are some trends that do not stand up well to the test of time, and should very kindly be put into retirement. Here are some web design trends that you can still see today need to stop.
An Automatic Video Plays As Soon As You Open the Page
In the earliest stages of the evolution of web design, music auto playing in the background was common place in many websites and MySpace profiles. While this particular web design trend has ceased, it has been unfortunately replaced by the trend of autoplaying videos that play as soon as the website is opened. It doesn’t matter what the content is, it can range from ads to site related content. However, this particular feature is particularly frustrating for mobile users because when they open a website and a video auto plays, this can take up a significant amount of their mobile data.
Websites That Force You to Disable Your AdBlocker
While implementing this particular trend is understandable for site owners because of ad revenue, it is important to note that if a site’s content is locked because for the presence of an ad blocker, a user will most likely opt to bounce out of your site and look for something else. This can affect your site’s bounce rate significantly. There seems to be no clear cut compromise that can allow the user to access the content without being bombarded with ads, and the site owner still being able to gain revenue without resorting to disable ad blocker pop-ups.
Heavy Pages That Compensate By Having a Load Animation Play While the User Waits
While it may seem like a good idea to have a loading animation play on the screen while the user waits, this sends the message that it is perfectly okay, and even expected for the user to wait for the page to load. We have talked before about how load times can affect a site’s bounce rate. Instead of investing into a loading animation, focus on optimizing your site pages in order to reduce the site’s load time. Trim the fat on your site by reducing site images, cut out any unnecessary Flash elements, and disable any autoplaying videos, which should help speed up page load time.
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