What does it mean when a company is accessible? Why do we need the web design to feature accessibility of elements and options? How can that improve the profitability of a business and attract new customers? One of the things that people look for when they land on your website is a way to contact the company and it’s not because they actually want to call or email you. It’s because they want to know where the company is headquartered. It gives them a sense of how far this company is operating and whether it makes sense to do business with it.

The problem with some websites is they don’t really understand the importance of making sure that their visitors would know a way how to contact them or reach out to them. Clearly, there must be something wrong with your company if you don’t like hearing inquiries, suggestions, and comments from your visitors? At least, that’s what people will remember about your company.

Put your contact information prominently on the homepage

The moment your web visitors opened your website, they should be able to see your contact information almost immediately. Most successful websites put that on the upper-right corner of their site, just near the login area, while others put it at the bottom of the page so visitors have to scroll down to find the information. Wherever you decide to put the contact details, always remember to make the information prominently displayed.

Create a separate “contact us” page

Even though your contact information is already on the homepage of the website, try and make a separate webpage for your address, contact information like telephone number, fax number, and email address, and a map leading to your store or office. Some people look for the “contact us” link so you should put one for these people.

Install a chat-box or a contact form plugin

If you want to be truly accessible to your customers with your web design, you have to consider installing the chat box and the contact form plugin. The chat box should be connected directly to someone who can answer all the queries about the company, its products, and its services. The contact form is for those who don’t want to open a separate browser to email you or who don’t like to spend a dime calling your store or office. These contact forms will streamline all the inquiries about your company. The forms are sent to the main email address and you can answer them one by one.