Your email marketing strategy, when used right, can be a very effective tool for converting users. A lot of people don’t think that email is still relevant, especially in an age where we have the technology to message people from across the globe and get a response in as little as seconds. However, email is still highly relevant and if done right, it can be a very powerful marketing tool. One of the main reasons why email is still very highly relevant is that everyone who is involved in the online world has an email address.
You need an email address to sign up for any website, so email is actually one of the biggest communication platforms online, even if a lot of people rarely use them outside of a professional setting. However, one small mistake in your email marketing can mean the difference in scoring a conversion out of your users and missing out on an opportunity. Here are some mistakes to avoid in your marketing campaign.
No welcome email
A welcome email is a very simple way to engage with your users as soon as they sign up for your website’s emails. It is almost expected that as soon as you subscribe, you receive an email from the website confirming your email subscription. Not having a welcome email can confuse users and you miss out on making a good first impression on your subscribers.
Overselling in emails
Emails are a more straightforward approach in how they connect with users compared to other users because this is something that is sent directly to the user into their email. As a result, some websites tend to abuse their email marketing and spam users and make their emails too pitchy. This can make subscribers frustrated, and they may choose to opt out of your email subscription.
Being too random in your email schedule
Another thing that can frustrate users is a random email schedule. As much as possible, you want to stick to sending out emails to users about once or twice a week only, and at specific times. This makes it easier for users to stay updated on your website’s newsletters and promos. This also makes it easier for users to manage your emails instead of having your emails come in at very inappropriate times.
Not making it easy for users to unsubscribe
No matter how confident you are in your email marketing, you have to respect the fact that there will always be users who will choose to opt out of your emails for their own personal reasons. No matter what their reasons are, you must never make it difficult for users to unsubscribe. And if they unsubscribe, their emails addresses should be removed from the mailing list as soon as they unsubscribe. Respect their decision to opt out of your emails.
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