Putting together a full functioning, yet visually appealing custom web design is not easy. It’s one thing to make your website look good, but it’s a completely different thing to make it look good while still maintaining a solid level of functionality for the user. The interesting thing about websites that manage to pull off visual appeal and functionality in one is that you rarely notice this. Users don’t notice if they’re on a well-designed website, but they can definitely tell if they’re on a poorly designed one. Good websites are designed to provide a seamless experience to the user, to the point where users don’t even notice. If you’re interested in creating a great custom web design, here are some elements that you can integrate into your design to boost your website’s look.


Of course, one of the most important aspects of a good custom web design is a seamless navigation experience by the user. It will be very difficult for a user to appreciate how visually appealing your website looks if they find it difficult to navigate through your site. Remember that you create your design for your user, and their experience always takes the front wheel when deciding the direction to take for your custom web design.

A good color scheme

When choosing your color scheme for your website, it’s important to remember not to overwhelm the user with too many colors. At most, limit your website’s color scheme to three or four colors. This is especially true now, when the minimalist and gradient trends are very prevalent in the current web design industry. Make sure to choose colors that naturally complement each other, not cancel each other out.


Users and customers like consistency in a company’s website, because it also shows consistency with the company itself. Make sure that your custom web design is consistent in the colors and the elements that you use, in order to create a more uniform design and experience for your website visitors and users.

Understand how whitespace works

Minimalism is a very popular trend in web design right now, and even if you don’t utilize this form of web design, it is still very important to understand how whitespace works and how to best use it. Whitespace involves giving the elements of your design, the content, buttons, images, everything, enough room to “breathe”. If you don’t understand how to use whitespace, you risk overcrowding the web design, causing the user to feel overwhelmed when they visit your website.