Obtaining new clients will keep your business alive. Without new clients, your business will be forced to work under circumstances where only your old customers will continue patronizing your business. To achieve your goal of attracting clients, you need a Lakeland internet marketing strategy that is also dependent on people’s behavior on social media.

To better understand how this works, you need to know the top five reasons why people follow brands on social media and how Lakeland internet marketing can influence this.

Promotions and discounts

As you see, customer service is not the number one reason why people follow brands on social media. You would think it is, huh? Does it mean it’s not important? Customer service is still an essential component to a business’ success, whether online or in a brick-and-mortar store, but the promos and discounts being offered on social media are the primary reasons why people subscribe to a channel or follow a page. They want to be kept up to date about what they can purchase for a discounted price.

Latest products information

What is your company’s latest product offerings? Today’s social-media-centered world is focused on besting each other. We want to be the first one to use a product or experience a service. People then follow social media pages because they want the first dibs about the latest product or service.

Customer service

See? Customer service is still an important reason why people will support your business. If you answer to queries, suggestions, and comments, customers are more likely to engage with your company. In turn, this good customer experience will convert to loyalty and actual purchases. When was the last time you encountered a problem with a product or a service? Who did you reach out to? Isn’t it infuriating if the company does not have the inclination to respond to your problems? And when a company does have great customer service, we are more than inclined to continue supporting them.

Entertaining content

Customers prefer variety when they visit a company’s social media page. Instead of filling your page with product information, promos, and discounts, you can post some other content such as customer review, a relatable quote, or anything at all to start an engagement with your customers.

Ability to offer feedback

Believe it or not but we have come to the point where customers don’t need to be asked to leave a review or a recommendation. They do that without being asked. It’s all part of this social media circus that we’re in. People want to get noticed that they tried a product or a service. Your job as a business is to respond to this feedback and to engage with the customers continually using your Lakeland internet marketing strategy. This will give them a sense of pride and value.