In content marketing, there is a thing called the sales funnel. It’s a broad term that describes the buyer’s decision journey, his comprehension, and understanding of the Lakeland web design. The three key phrases to remember during this journey are awareness, evaluation, and purchase. Anyone involved in sales needs to focus on this sales funnel to gain a better understanding of how buyers make the ultimate decision of buying products and services from a business.

On the web, content marketers are responsible for creating copies that will persuade potential customers to buy their products and services. There are four critical stages of the sales funnel that content marketers need to be aware of:


The first step is reaching out to customers. The copy must attract new customers into checking out the company’s products and services. It is in this stage that content marketers must introduce their products and services. This is the first thing that people will remember about your website—the way the products and services were introduced using an article.


The second step is conversion, which is a crucial stage because here, you will need to persuade your visitors to buy into the idea. Whether you’re selling products or services, you need to convince your visitors that they “want” and they “need” these items. If your products fall into the category of “need,” the work is easier to do. But if it falls under the “wants,” you have your job cut out for you.


Once your customers are ready to purchase, your content should have the killer instinct to drive the stake, so to speak. Your content should be able to summarize the conclusion into one ball of: “Yes, go for it!” But while your customers are making the purchase, your content should be able to attract their interest in other parts of the website or the company. The work doesn’t stop when the customer picked up the tab.


The long-term goal of your web content and your Lakeland web design is to retain your customers. They should be returning customers. Whatever you write in your content, it should establish brand loyalty and attract your clients to return regularly and check out what your business has in store for them. Remembering your company even after some time has passed is the best “review” you can get from a client. That will also allow your client, past or present, to recommend your company to his friends and family.