If you think that your business does not need a Lakeland internet marketing strategy, then you are using the golden opportunity to reach out to your customers and let them know how much you value them. Now that people are virtually stuck inside their home since they are quarantined for the next few weeks or so, it is to your best interest to engage them and learn about what they want from your business. This is the best time to learn about your strategies and how they impact your target audience.
You can reach out to your customers through three methods: website, social media, and email. The first one is slightly more generic. You need to put on your website information about your business and how it has been affected by the pandemic. This is the first place that your audience will check when they want to learn how your business is operating these days. That’s why it’s important to put as much information there as you can that will tell your market how to reach you during this time.
Social media is slightly more personal. You can engage with your customers through social media posts. You can regularly connect with them by letting them know what your business up during this time. By posting videos, images, links to articles, and blog posts, you can get a better understanding of what your customers are looking for from your business and what they expect to receive while you are all under quarantine or lockdown.
The best thing about being on social media is that you are free to comment and survey your customers. Since more than 80% of Internet users spend their time on social media, this is the best place for you to continue such engagement.
Email, on the other hand, is more personalized. This is perhaps the most personal method of communication that you can employ today. Sending emails to your target audience comprises of knowing their email addresses and their names. You should want your emails to be personally addressed to your customers. This will make them feel valued and appreciated. It will make you feel like you took the time out to get to know what do you want to learn from your business. Email marketing has a very positive response time. In fact, even when other Lakeland internet marketing strategists thought that email marketing is dead, those who use email marketing have benefited from its positive success rate.
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