Social media share buttons are ubiquitous on websites. Why? Unless you’re living under a rock this past decade, shares are the currency of social media. If your webpage cannot be shared on social media, does it really exist? These share buttons on Tampa web design are important even if your website doesn’t have a presence on social media (but honestly, create an account now).

These share buttons can create a presence on social media for your brand even if you don’t have an official page there yet. As long as the contents of your website or blog are shareable, people are bound to find out about your business through the shares of their network and peers.

Improve Customer Experience

People want to share your blog post or product page because they want to endorse it to others. That’s the top reason why they share links to your website. If you don’t make sharing easy for them, they might forget about their intention. A single click on a share button makes the experience of sharing better for them. They won’t have to copy-paste the link of the site just to share your webpage. In short, having social media share buttons increase the likelihood for your pages to get shared.

Increase Brand Exposure

When your website content or blog post gets shared, the followers of the one who shared it will be exposed to the link. Although there is no assurance that they will click on the link, this is an opportunity that you shouldn’t pass on. Maybe they won’t necessarily like the content that was shared, but they can click on the link and find something on your site that speaks to them. Adding social media share buttons on your Tampa web design typically leads to new web visitors.

Boost Reach to Target Audience

Even if your web visitors don’t share the post on their own social media feed, they might share it as a direct message to a friend, family member, or co-worker. If they feel that some of their peers will be interested in your blog post or webpage, they will directly message the link to them. You should make that easier with the use of social media share buttons. Studies found out that the only thing people do online more than social networking is direct messaging their friends and families.

Influence SEO

One of the many benefits of social media share buttons is an improvement in SEO ranking. Google’s algorithm is programmed to detect the number of times a webpage is shared, retweeted, liked, and posted on social media. Social media shares are going to help improve organic web traffic. The simple addition of social media share buttons on Tampa web design helps a lot to improve a page’s ranking on search engines.