A company’s logo design is one of the most underrated, yet one of the most worked on aspects of a company’s brand. Ironically, customers rarely register what a company’s logo looks like, but a good logo can go a long way in establishing a company’s brand. If you’re still starting up as a new company, you have to decide how to have a logo designed for your company. We admit that it is pretty nerve-wracking and a lot of thought has to go into this. This is going to be the logo that your company will be identified with, so you want to make it look really good. To help you out, here is a simple guide to help you get started with your company’s logo design.

Do you need a logo?

Of course, before anything else, you’re going to have to ask yourself if your business really needs a logo. Believe it or not, not all companies need a logo and it’s important that you identify whether or not you actually need a logo, because you might end up spending money for a logo that makes no impact whatsoever on your business. You only need a logo for your company if you want your company to look more professional, if your company offers a similar service to another, and if growing your company’s brand is something that you plan to do in the future.

What kind of logo do you want?

Now that you’ve decided that a logo is the right choice for your company, it’s time to get to the actual design process. What kind of logo do you want for your company? You can go with an iconic logo with is an icon that represents your company. Good examples of these are the Nike and Shell logo. You can go with a typographic logo, which is your company’s name stylized as your company logo. A popular example of a typographic logo is the Disney logo. A combination logo is, simply put, a combination of the two. It’s up to you to decide which one works best for your company.

Choosing the design elements of your logo

Now that you have a type of logo in mind, it’s time to put together the design elements of your logo. What colors do you want in your logo? You have to make sure that these colors are representative of what your company stands for. Read up on color psychology and understand how colors can influence your brand’s image. Choose an icon, font style, and color palette that best represents the look and feel of your company.

Hire a professional to design your logo

Creating a logo design for your company is a lot of work, so it would be highly recommended that you work with a professional to make sure that the final product meets your standards and represents accurately how you want your company to be viewed in the public image.