There is much to be said about the connection between traditional marketing and Lakeland internet marketing. After all, although a lot of people think that traditional marketing is dead, the truth is that many of its elements and principles are still applied to modern marketing techniques.

Traditional marketing uses traditional media such as magazines, newspapers, television, and radio. Modern marketing includes the internet, which is where more than 90% of ads now go. Without the internet, it will be hard for any kind of business to survive. Just how important is it? Even big businesses invest heavily in internet marketing. Businesses you didn’t think still need ads continue to spend on internet marketing.

Content Is Vital

Even when marketers were still using traditional media, they were focused on producing quality and relevant content for the audience. That’s because the importance of the right content is as vital today as it was yesterday. That’s something that internet marketing can learn from traditional marketing. Producing quality content remains to be the most important component of any marketing strategy.

Research information and data. Produce content with your audience in mind. What do they want to know about your business? What can you offer them that others don’t? Keep this in mind when you produce content for your marketing campaigns.

Visuals Are as Important

Even before the advent of smartphones and digital cameras, traditional marketing experts already know how important images are. Though their images are not as sophisticated as the kind of images we can produce these days, they did the job back then. It becomes easier for people to comprehend the message because there are visuals to guide them. This is also the reason why television has become more popular than any other type of traditional medium.

Target Your Message

Create messages that are well-targeted. You may have a vast audience and market. That doesn’t mean you can create one generic ad and go with it. Each of your messages should be crafted with a specific audience in mind. You won’t talk to Baby Boomers the same way you will talk to Millennials, right? They come from different generations and as such, you should employ different ways of attracting their interest.

These three things should be at the core of every Lakeland internet marketing strategy. Because if there’s one thing you should glean from traditional marketing, it is the importance of knowing who you are creating the campaigns for.