White space is a vital and powerful component of every Lakeland web design. It is the canvas on which a web designer works on and it holds all the pieces of the elements together to make a harmonious and pristine web design. The use of white space is as ubiquitous as the incorporation of SEO in the website’s content. While it holds all the elements together, it is also the reason why these elements can stand out on their own.

White space is the area between design elements and the space within individual design elements such as the space found between typography. Can you imagine a one-page article without a white space between lines and paragraphs? But despite its name, white space does not always need to be white. It can be any color, texture, pattern, or even an image. White space simply refers to the background of the web design that acts as the canvas for all of these elements to work together.

The use of white space divides the opinions of the designers and the clients. In design theory, white space is vital for the elegant look of the web design and the overall experience of the users. However, many clients see this only as wasted space. Since they pay for every page of the website and every hour spent designing the site, clients feel that they could save on fees if white space will not be incorporated as much. They also feel that space could be used to house other important elements that will provide information about their business.

But for designers, white space is an “organizational tool.” It helps organize the many different elements of the website and thus improve the visual communication of the webpage. Content writers work to balance words and images on a page. They do this so they won’t bore the readers with too much text. The white space between the lines of the words and between the words and the images creates a calming effect. It lets the readers “breathe” and allows their eyes to rest.

People get easily frustrated when information bombards them. Imagine just looking at a page full of text and images and without the white space between the lines and on the sides to balance things out. The page will look crowded and busy and it will stress the eyes of anyone who tries to read the content.