What is SEO? Many business owners come to us and they’ve heard this buzzword floating around for the past few years and they feel like they understand it, they know they should be asking for it, but we discover after much discussion that most business owners and marketing managers really don’t understand the complexity of SEO -Search Engine Optimization.

Is SEO important? Yes it’s very important, SEO is the underlying strategy of taking a common ordinary website and designing it code wise so that major search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and others when they index your website they see that the site is positioned properly and organize properly and identifies the major components of the site in the correct manner.

For some business owners they view SEO as a one-time proposition, nothing could be further from the truth. Search engine optimization could be viewed as a onetime deal when it comes to laying out a new page on website, but it should really be an ongoing monthly marketing strategy that businesses should adopt.

For any website to grow and prosper and to be recognized by the major search engines as a real player and wanting to be taken seriously there needs to be an ongoing marketing strategy that unfortunately requires time, effort, and resources, but it’s one that cannot be overlooked without risking the market position of any business in this modern era.

Contact the fine folks at BrightSky Web Design to determine if your site is a candidate for SEO improvement.

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