When you want to have an effective Lakeland web design, the best measure would be if visitors stay there and navigate through the site. You’re not after mere clicks and visits. You want these visitors to read through your content and to navigate your website, so they can see your many products and services.
Visitors who merely click on your site and do not stay are not potential customers. On the contrary, they’ll probably just increase the unique views of your website, but they do nothing for your business. Most people may leave after only one glimpse on your site if your Lakeland web design doesn’t attract them enough.
Unless they are super interested about what you are selling, they’ll probably leave the moment your website lags and doesn’t load easily. They can also opt to check another site if your web design is unimpressive or unattractive to them.
Here are a couple of things you can do to make sure your site visitors will stay:
Make your website load faster
Whether it’s buying more bandwidth or making sure that the codecs you use are supported by most major browsers and smartphones, what’s important is that you always check if your website is loading smoothly. Visitors never want to stay in a website that takes forever to load. No one wants that.
The design and layout of your website will also affect how fast it loads. If you cannot buy a bigger bandwidth, you may want to stop putting too much images and graphics on your website. These things, including animated text and images, can slow down your website.
Create a simple layout
Not overly simple, mind you, but simple enough that it doesn’t hurt the eye every time visitors open your site. There are websites like this, unfortunately. When visitors open your site, what do you want them to feel? Any mind boggling images or graphics can turn them away. If you have to use abstract images or crazy color scheme, you may want to make sure that there is enough white space on the sides.
Don’t over complicate the navigation and menu buttons, too. Make sure that your visitors will understand that when they click the logo, they will be taken to the homepage or when they click Contact Us, the site will bring them to a page that contains the business’ contact details. These simple details will help you earn more visitors who actually stay.
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