Using SEO is incredibly important for marketers who want to position their personal or business blogs as legitimate sources of information. When you optimize your web pages and your blogs, you are making your site move visible to people who are entering on search engines keywords and phrases associated with your products or services.
But search engines like Google are much smarter these days and they could ignore your website simply because you are not inputting relevant content there. Using SEOs now is tricky, so find out here how you can navigate your way through it.
Focus on 1 or 2 long-tail keywords
Optimizing your content is not about using as many keywords in the article as possible. This could actually hurt your web ranking because search engines now consider this as keyword overstuffing (including keywords as many times as possible with the goal of ranking high in organic searches).
This also causes your content to feel unnatural to the readers. That’s why you should use keywords in your content only when they work and they won’t feel forced at all.
Focus on just one or two long-tail keywords because these are narrow and specific enough to target the searches of your market. You will generate the right kind of traffic for your blog posts. These are the visitors who actually convert.
Include these keywords in specific parts of your post
Now that you have specified which keywords could optimize your website, it is time to incorporate these into your blog post. There are four parts of a blog post that these keywords should appear—the title tag, the header and body, the URL, and the meta description.
The title will be the first thing that the search engine uses to determine the relevancy of your blog’s content. The keyword should be in the first 60 characters of your blog’s title. Use the keywords throughout the body of the content as long as you’re not overstuffing it and they flow naturally with what you’re writing about.
You should also include your keyword in the URL of the web page. Edit the URL to include one or two of your keywords because the URL is one of the first things that a search engine tags. Lastly, your meta description is being used by Google and readers to know more about your page’s content. Make sure to use your keyword in your meta description, so that Google and the readers are clear about it.