Lakeland web designCall to action buttons are the elements in a Lakeland web design that are always present but we rarely recognize. It is the quintessential element that makes a website effective in its goal to either make a sell or disseminate information about their products or services or advocacies. As website visitors, rarely do we recognize the importance that call to action buttons and links play in our lives.


Call to action buttons vary by websites. Can you recognize it? Buy Now, Call Now, Sign Up—these are just some examples of call to action buttons. These are the signs that would make a visitor want to do something about his visit to the site. Do you want to purchase something? Do you want to know more about the products and services? Do you want to receive updates about the business and what they are offering? Through call to action buttons, everything will just be a click away for you.


However, not all websites can manage to make these buttons effective. If you place them in an obscure part of your website, it loses its effectivity. Here are the factors that determine the effectivity of call to action buttons:




Where should the buttons be located? Where does a designer put them? It should “slap” your visitors right on the face, meaning it should be so visible that your visitors can’t help but see it. Put it on the front page or as soon as the visitor opens the shop page of your website. Make sure that this button is one of the first things they will see when they enter the website. This will allow them to decide much earlier what they want to do with their visit. You will also present options that they may consider as they go through the information in the website.




The font face, font size, and font color you will use on the call to action buttons can also determine the success of this particular element. The font, size, and color should be loud and should attract attention. Otherwise, it will just get lost in the sea of information available to the site visitor. Most websites would use standard font face because this is easier to read and decipher. Instead of being fancy with your font face, simply make sure that the text is big and loud enough in color.




If you use the wrong words, you’ll fail in your quest to get more buyers and inquiries. Using the right words is essential to fulfilling what it is that the call to action button wants done. Call Now sounds and looks way better than a simple Call button. There is an urgency with using those three letters—N-O-W. That’s what’s needed when you want visitors to do something when they land on your website.