When you start looking into the different Lakeland web design options that are available to you, you may have likely learned that the two main options available to you are custom website design and templated design.

Looking at the two options, you may seriously consider going with a templated design because, on the surface, it seems to be the easier and less costly option. However, keep in mind that a templated design isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. To help you understand this, learn about the issues with a templated Lakeland web design here.

Lack of customizability

When you look into a templated design, one of the most significant issues that you’re going to see is the fact that you cannot customize your design too much. Templated designs only allow you to swap out images and text, but nothing beyond that.

While this is fine for people who are running a personal blog, it’s not the best option for businesses that are looking to expand their brands online. A lack of customizability means that your website’s look will be at the mercy of the template. Without the ability to customize, your website and brand will look very bland, which can hurt the future of your website and business.

Issues under the surface

A lot of the time, it is easy to believe that a templated design really is as easy as it looks. After all, the only thing that you need to do is swap out the stock assets for your own. However, due to this point-and-click setup, you can’t guarantee that everything is working well beneath the surface. While it looks great on the top, you may run into a lot of problems later on that you cannot fix because you don’t have access to the coding aspect of the website.


Most templated website designs only work with the latest website browsers because they rely on updated browsers to function properly. The problem with this is that it will significantly alienate a percentage of your users, which means that you will be missing out on some of your audience by choosing a templated design. With a custom Lakeland web design, you have full control over the design and functionality of your site, allowing you to be as inclusive as possible.

Identical designs

The biggest issue with templated site designs is the simple fact that you will likely end up with the same design as someone else who decided on the template that you have. This means that your business’ brand will become generic, which will make it hard for you to stand out.