People will determine whether they want to stay on your website or not in just a few seconds after they land on your page. You only have about five seconds to impress your web visitors and persuade them to stay on your site. But in order to do that, you have to do three things: make your Tampa web design elegant, make the layout easy to navigate, and show useful and valuable information.
Make the Design Simple
It is not up to your readers to understand how to navigate your website. It is your responsibility to make the site easy to navigate. Your readers should find the information they want easily and without having to go through so many clicks. Arrange your website in such a way that it will be easy for them to browse through the site. The categories should be organized intuitively and there should be a search function to find keywords and related topics.
Reduce Page Bloat
Page bloat refers to the size of the webpage. According to studies, the average size of a webpage is about 1,246KB. This continues to grow every day. The problem with a large-sized webpage is it slows down the performance and loading speed of the website and it costs an unnecessary increase in your bandwidth consumption.
What you can do is optimize the page according to the resolution and screen size from which it is being viewed. Since some users are using a 3G connection to view your website, a re-scaled version of the page should be sent to their devices instead.
Make Content Relevant Always
When web visitors noticed that the content you have on your blog is outdated, they will close the browser and navigate to another website. That’s not the way to keep your audience entertained and interested. Find a way to write your content in such a way that they will still be relevant in the years to come. Remove date-specific facts. If there are facts in your blog that are outdated, find a way to make them current again. Or simply, post a link on the new and updated blog post about the same topic.
Simplify Navigational Elements
Where would your web visitors go if they want to see a post from a specific date? How would they find all your posts under a particular category? Your website should have these five components, at the very least: menu, search box, archives page, about page, and contact page. These will help in the ease of navigation on your Tampa web design that all websites should work on.
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