A survey showed that only half of the people who buy on your site actually have the capabilities to do so. This means a potential 50% of your web visitors cannot understand how to check out items from your website. This creates a problem because the majority of your sales are coming from your online presence, especially at this time. This is something that your Tampa web design must address.
There are two important things that you must consider when rebuilding or redesigning your e-commerce store. The first one is to turn the casual lookers to buyers and the second one is to make it easier for buyers to purchase from your store.
Casual web visitors are not looking to buy from your store. However, if the site is well-designed, you can easily turn these web visitors into loyal buyers. If they are so impressed by the content and design of your site, they can easily find the information they want and buy from your store. It is far easier to convince web visitors to buy something from your store when they can the information they need about these products.
That’s how you turn casual visitors into loyal customers. But how can the Tampa web design make it easy for the buyers to purchase and check out items from the e-commerce store?
Take a look at the checkout process of your online store. Look at it from the perspective of a buyer or ask someone to try to check out items from your site. Is it easy? Can they go from browsing to adding to cart to actually purchasing the items? If it’s not easy for them to check them out, you might be losing customers because of bad web design.
Look into the elements that make your site look bad in the eyes of your customers. The number one rule in online shopping is for e-commerce sites to be easy to navigate. Next, it should be convenient for the customers to add the products to the cart and fill up the information you need to ship the items to them. What exactly is the information you need?
As much as you want to ask for more information so you can get to know your audience more, don’t do it. Instead, ask only what you need to know to send the products to your customers. All you need is the shipping and billing information. All the others should be optional. If the customers want to sign up for newsletters, make it an option and not a requirement. That’s how you’re going to turn casual passersby into loyal customers.
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