The right SEO keywords will help you become knowledgeable about the content needed for your website and the overall marketing strategy. There are different processes for researching keywords for your web content, but let us study one particular and effective process that could help your business in its goal of reaching as many customers as possible.
Make a list of topics relevant to your business
If your business has to do with selling frozen seafood, for example, the topics would probably be these: fish, shrimps, crabs, seashells, mussels, oysters, red tide, seafood allergies, etc. These are generic topics. They will help build your keywords later. Think of as many topics as you possibly can, so you will have a variety of keywords to choose from.
Fill those topics with keywords
This means mixing these topics with the keywords related to them. Some examples for the topics above are: seafood restaurants in Florida (or where your location is), seafood restaurants near me, preventing seafood allergies, treating seafood allergies, and so on. These are the phrases you think people will type on the search bar.
Research related search items
Go to Google and search for the keyword you have just listed down. There will be a number of related search items on the bottom of the page. You should list these down, too, because they will be useful once you research the ranking of these keywords and the phrases related to them. Remember that Google is a good resource of the top keywords because people actually use Google to search for keywords related to your business.
Mix head terms and long-tail keywords
Head terms are shorter and generic keywords. They are the typical keywords you search for on Google. Long-tail keywords are longer and they are more specific. The example of a long-tail keyword related to the seafood business we are sampling is “how to dine in seafood restaurants when you are allergic to seafood.”
That’s a pretty specific keyword or phrase, right? Head terms have more volume in terms of the number of people searching for them, but it’s the long-tail keywords that are more desirable because people searching for these keywords are actually very specific to what they want.
See how the competition is ranking these keywords
There are a number of websites that offer a free keyword rank search. You will know just how many websites are using the same words and phrases. But remember that just because a keyword ranked first does not mean it’s the right keyword for your content, too. If it’s not going to bring potential customers to your business, that keyword has no business being in your content.