How do you manage your site’s analytics? How do you analyze the multitude of reports that different versions of your websites send to you? Doesn’t it take too much of your time to analyze the individual reports of your websites? You can streamline this process of analyzing reports by creating a responsive Orlando web design. This way, it will be easier for you to monitor the comings and goings of web traffic.

How Does Responsive Orlando Web Design Affect Analytics Reports?

Managing multiple versions of a website requires the developers to track the user’s journey through a multitude of paths, redirects, and funnels. They have to follow the user’s journey through desktop versions of the website to its mobile versions. Every time a potential buyer accesses the website either from his laptop or mobile phone, the website will generate a different report. This complicates the developer’s understanding of where web traffic is coming from.

A single responsive Orlando web design simplifies this process. Analytics tools such as Google and others now condense tracking and analytics from one website as long as the web design is responsive. A single report will be generated to monitor web traffic. This makes it easier for developers to decide on what improvements a website needs. You can also see how your content is performing on different devices from which it is being accessed.

How Will a Responsive Web Design Improve SEO?

Responsive web designs are not only great for analytics. They’re also great for improving search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, in many cases, responsive designs are as important as quality content. When a website fails to respond to the proper device from which it is being viewed, the web user can easily close the window and move to another site. Unresponsive web designs make it hard for web visitors to navigate the website. It’s also a bit hard for them to find the information they need when the website cannot even fit inside their device’s screen.

Stronger Orlando web design translates to higher rankings on search engines. Since 2015, Google has been using the mobile-friendliness of a website as one of the metrics for ranking it. This means that your web page has a better chance of ranking if it is responsive. Aside from that fact, having a single responsive website also prevents the issue of duplicated content. This is great for your page’s rank and credibility.