The hardest thing for a marketer to do is to attract web visitors to the website. Not to mention, marketers also have to attract web visitors with their Orlando web design. Designing a website is not even the job of a marketer and yet somehow, marketers are forced to promote their clients’ websites. But web builders and business owners are finding it harder and harder to get a cut of the pie. Even with the rapidly growing size of internet users, the competition for their interest has never been tougher.

Marketers look toward pay-per-click ads, content marketing, email marketing, and a host of other internet marketing campaigns just to get more web visitors to their clients’ websites. Here’s an open secret that everyone should know by now: create a blog on your website. No, don’t create a separate website for your blog. Create a blog right on your website.

The purpose of a website is to share information. If you’re selling products, your goal is to share information about the products. If you’re selling services, you should tell your readers why they need the services that you offer. If you’re raising awareness about an advocacy, your aim is to get more people to buy in your ideas.

It sounds pretty simple but many marketers actually forget about the purpose of their websites. They spend money, energy, and resources into things that don’t do anything for their visitors. They forget the most critical part of having a website: information. If your web visitors can’t get anything from your website, they won’t come back to it. They are less likely to respond positively to your call-to-action when they can’t find the information that they need.

Do you know that it makes more sense to promote your blog rather than other parts of your website? Blogs are easier to promote because they are social-media-friendly in nature. They are designed for easy sharing on Facebook and Twitter. That’s the reason you should include that little social sharing widget on each of your posts. That will make it easy for you and your web visitors to share the post on their social media pages.

Web visitors who enjoy your content and got some valuable information from it will want their friends and family to read the same blog post. That is the power of blogging on your Orlando web design. When you hit the right note, you’re effectively marketing to your audience without hard-selling.