If your eCommerce store has a high volume of traffic, that’s great news. You should keep up the good work. But what happens if these visits don’t convert? What happens if not matter how much traffic you get in a month, your conversion rate isn’t going up? Traffic alone doesn’t generate sales. It is the checkout page of your Orlando web design that will generate sales for your business.

The issue here isn’t the products. You can have amazing products but they’re not selling because of the layout of your checkout page. Simply put, if customers are having a hard time checking out items from their shopping carts, they are going to abandon said carts no matter how much they like the products.

So, here are some useful tips on how to design your checkout page, reduce cart abandonment rates, and boost conversion rate:

Add Multiple Checkout Buttons

When customers arrive on your product pages, they will most likely check out the other information on the page. Make it impossible for them not to notice the “add to cart” or “purchase” button. Add these buttons on the top and bottom of the screen. This way, even if they browse down the page, they won’t be able to escape that nagging voice saying they should check out the item right now.

Put Security Badges

In the United States, nearly 46% of consumers have fallen victim to credit card fraud. Nearly half of your web visitors are aware of the dangers of fraud. Maybe they have not fallen victims themselves, but they know someone who did. That will put them on high alert. If they don’t see the security badges from Norton or McAfee on your website, they probably won’t buy any item from you.

Simplify the Checkout Process

Reduce the form fields that need to be filled up. Think about what you need to learn about a customer to ship the products. You need the name and the address, right? If the billing and shipping address are the same, put a box that will allow them to tick off the option to “use the same address.” Don’t make them type the same address twice. Websites with a simpler checkout process on their Orlando web design have higher conversion rates.

Offer a Guest Checkout Option

You want everyone to sign up as a member of the site. This will give you access to their information and enable you to create worthier marketing strategies. However, this also annoys the customers who want to purchase and not sign up for anything. Allow these customers to buy from your site without needing to sign up for a newsletter or leave other important information for your perusal.