Have you ever missed out on a contest because the website didn’t explicitly tell you what you have to do? Did you miss the chance of uploading your cute Halloween costume to tag your favorite brand because you didn’t know there was a contest going on? The problem with most Orlando web design is the lack of call-to-action buttons or the incorrect way of using them.

The more direct information you provide on your CTA, the better it will be for you and your target market. The more people click on that button, the better it is for your business. Can you imagine persuading your web visitors to click on a link and them not doing it? It’s almost like somebody rejected your good intentions. It hurts as much.

A good CTA is comprised of these things:

Strong Command Verb

On your CTA, you don’t have a ton of space. That’s why you need to be as direct as possible. What do you want the customers to do? Call? Visit? Click? Subscribe? Limit the characters to 35 per description line and most importantly, use action verbs. You want them not to think twice about what they have to do. The message should be clear. Don’t be vague.

For e-commerce, the right action verbs are “buy,” “shop,” and “order.” For a newsletter or white paper, it’s “download” or “subscribe.” And for those who need more information, it’s “fill out the form” or “find out how.”

Words That Provoke

You want the customers to take action, right? But they’re going to ask themselves: “What can I get by following the CTA?” Provoke them with incentives. Phrases like “buy now and get 50% off on your second item” makes customers want to follow what you just said. If you want them to book a hotel room for a family vacation, use the phrase “book your dream hotel room now!” That will make them imagine how it might feel to finally take their long-overdue vacation with the family.


FOMO stands for fear of missing out. It basically means that your offer is limited, so your customers should grab it immediately. It’s one of the most effective call-to-action you can include in your Orlando web design. The phrase “Sales ends on Sunday” is a great motivator for your customers to buy the item now. This is especially effective for limited items and during the holidays.