About a decade ago, no one expects web designers to know about internet marketing and SEO. All web designers must know is how to use Photoshop and Frontpage. They will survive with this singular skill as their arsenal. But things are different today. Orlando web design clients demand more than web design. They want web designers to know about marketing and SEO, too. Yes, that’s right, web designers can no longer survive on Photoshop alone.

While web designers can reject the notion and turn away projects, this isn’t always such an easy thing to do. Remember that there plenty of web designers out there who can offer marketing services. You are going to lose a lot of clients if you don’t update your skills. No matter how great you are at what you do, updating your skills is a must. And if it means learning about marketing and SEO, then so be it.

The “build and wait” strategy for websites is long gone. Clients don’t want to wait around to drive traffic to their site. They want results to happen fast. They have now realized that their website is more than just a hub of information about their company. This is where everything starts now. All their marketing efforts will commence from their websites. That realization means clients are looking for web designers who can deliver more than just a nice design. They want these web designers to think about marketability while they’re designing the website.

The first thing that you should know about marketing on the web is SEO. This is the standard for all your marketing efforts. Clients can be pretty unrealistic about their expectations in the area of SEO. They want to rank first on Google. That is impossible. It takes time to be on top of Google’s search results. You need to create blogs, post images, get reviews, and engage with web visitors. This takes time. Google does not rank new websites well.

Do what you can to understand SEO and how it works in the context of web design. For example, the images you will use on the design of the site should be optimized for search engines. Make sure that the web developer understands this as well.

There’s another thing that you must learn when it comes to marketing—social media. Clients will expect you to design Facebook cover photos, banners, and profiles. That could be a part of the package they can avail of from you. The images you use on your clients’ social media pages should be related to the Orlando web design.