You are probably wondering about the optimal time your web pages should load. You’ve heard about people bouncing out of your site after two seconds. Some wait as long as five seconds. Others can be cajoled to wait for 10 and so on. But here’s a little tidbit so you can understand how important the loading time is for Tampa web design: for every second faster that your website loads, you increase conversions by as much as 7%.
The best time for website speed is two seconds. Your website should load in as fast as two seconds. Otherwise, many of your web visitors will close the browser and move to the next site on their list. More than 53% of web users are ready to abandon a web page if it doesn’t load in two seconds. If you want to keep people on your site, make sure that each web page can load in under two seconds.
Do you know that the average load time for a website is 22 seconds? Can you think of what you can do in those 22 seconds? You would have already replied to at least two messages in 22 seconds. But more than that, imagine how many websites do not consider their web visitors’ experiences that the average load time for websites is 22 seconds.
Far too many businesses don’t keep their websites fast enough. As a result, they are losing customers and losing opportunities to turn new customers into loyal ones. This lack of speed or slow-loading sites cost website revenues around $2.6 billion annually.
Why Websites Need to Load Fast
A fast-loading website will lead to longer dwell sessions. Web visitors are more likely to stay on a website if its pages load faster. People will be able to access relevant information faster. They’ll seek this information for problems, issues, and concerns they have. They are more likely to stay on your page and browse through the information they gather there.
Imagine a movie that keeps on buffering on Netflix. Would you be willing to pause it every five minutes just to finish watching the movie? You’ll probably just turn the TV off and go to sleep, right? Men are wired to receive information as fast as it is possible for them to receive it. If they already know the answer to their problems is on that website, then they would want that answer to appear on their screens the moment they clicked on the link of the site.
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