Before you start thinking about Lakeland web design and how to attract clients to your website, you need to choose first a domain name that is catchy and interesting. You can visit several domain registrar and web hosting companies such as GoDaddy, BlueHost, Namecheap, DreamHost, Shopify, and many others to register your domain name.
But first, the question is how to choose the right domain name for your business or website?
If you are planning to build a website for your business, your business’ name should be in the domain name. If it’s a blog, you may want to use certain words that people can relate to easily such as mother, mommy, baby, travel, etc. You want your domain name to be easy to understand and remember. There should be no hindrances in its right spelling (meaning, it’s an easy word to spell) and it should be less than 15 characters. Go more than that and you’re essentially making it hard for your clients to remember anything.
Once you have chosen the domain name and confirmed that it is still available, you can choose the extension you want. Countries have their own extensions in which the USA has .us, the Philippines has .ph, and so on. You can choose the more popular ones, too, such as .com, .net, and .co. Then, there are the new ones such as .xyz, .me, and .site, among many others.
For starters, you may want to use the more popular .com and .net because these are the extensions that your clients are surely familiar with.
Then, once you have confirmed that the domain name is legible for purchase, you can choose from the many packages that the domain registrar offers. You can buy all the extensions of your chosen domain name for a fraction of the price of your main extension. This is done usually to prevent copying the domain name and confusing clients.
You can choose the most basic of packages since you’re just starting. Next, you will be asked if you want to add security and privacy protection to your domain (to safely protect your personal information since the name of the site owner is publicly published once your site goes live). You also need to sign up for a web hosting package.
The domain name is the name of the site itself. For that name to have a space on the internet, it needs to be hosted by a platform. That’s where web hosting comes in. Also, if you’re planning to start a blog (which you should), you need a content management system (usually WordPress) to make your Lakeland web design stand out.
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