The statistics won’t be kind to people who don’t maximize Lakeland SEO for their websites. A whopping 95% of web users only look at the first page of a search engine result. This means that if your page isn’t on that first page, you only have a chance to get noticed by the 5% of people who click on that second to the third page. Your page isn’t even on the second or third? You might as well not exist at all.

The only way to get your page to rank is to use Lakeland SEO. To start, you have to find the keywords that will work for your business. These keywords are targeted words and phrases that your target market most likely uses when they enter a query on search engines. You can have short-tail or long-tail keywords. One keyword can lead to different variations that can be used in one post. These keywords would work well to optimize a page when integrated into the meta title, meta description, and of course, the main content.

Keyword Stuffing

The cardinal rule on using keywords in the content of your websites is to never do keyword stuffing. Poor keyword usage can hurt your website more than help it. So, delete the notion that if your content is full of your keywords, Google will automatically put it on top of the rank. Your page can be penalized for keyword stuffing. Forget about keyword density. Your readers won’t like it because this kind of content is hard to read. Focus on using your keywords effectively.

Where to Put Keywords

Your main keyword should be in the first couple of sentences of your content. At least, it should be within the first paragraph or the first 100 words. Do not use the main keyword more than one time in the first paragraph. That might incur penalty points from Google.

Next, use that keyword and some variations of it throughout the content. Do not use the same keyword throughout the whole content. The point is to use a variety of the same keyword. If your main keyword is “growing your business,” variations will include “how to grow fast” and “drive business growth.”

Finally, write as you normally would. Work the keywords naturally into the content. This is the best Lakeland SEO advice you can get. Make your content as readable and as understandable as possible.