How many voice search technologies do you know about? So far, we have Google Assistant, Apple’s SiRi, and Amazon’s Alexa. Voice technology has come a long way since then. It has gotten more popular to the point that even Lakeland SEO has taken notice of it. After all, how voice search will impact search engine results is one of the primary concerns of companies using voice search technology.

Just how popular is voice search? Practically every smartphone on the planet is equipped with voice search technology. And by 2022, tech experts predict that 55% of households will own a smart speaker.

Natural Language

Voice technology has become so reliable that it can adapt to the language you use every day. This ability to understand natural language will give users a different experience—it will feel as if they are speaking with actual humans. Emerging technologies are even seeking to make the experience better. Why? Because research found that 70% of voice searches are done in natural or conversational language. Users are talking to these voice technologies as if they are humans.

Keyword Length

The length of your keyword or key phrase will be vastly impacted. For one, voice searches will be done in natural language, which means longer queries will be more common to the user interface. On average, voice searches are around 29 words in length. For Lakeland SEO, this means adjusting the strategies to accommodate long-tail keywords. The longer the keyword, the higher the probability of conversion.

Question Words

Voice searches will include questions using who, what, where, when, why, and how. There will be no more singular word searches such as quintessential. When you want to search for what quintessential means, you need to ask the question “what does quintessential mean?” Marketers will need to ensure that the content can deliver accurate and relevant answers. They also need to distinguish questions that need simple answers, as well as those that need a more comprehensive answer.


Soon, voice searches will also know what the users intend in the questions. Instead of giving answers based on the question alone, the technology will be able to decipher what the user meant by asking the question. How can this be applied to Lakeland SEO? The technology can use a variety of information about the users such as their search history, global search history, location of the user, and keyword spelling variations.

You need to adapt your business to voice search technology because this will mold the future of your search engine ranking.