Web users will leave your website if the homepage does not load in five seconds or less. They will also expect you to answer their inquiries, comments, questions, and feedback in under 60 minutes or one hour. Yes, that’s right. You only have one hour to answer all questions posted and sent to your social media accounts. Can’t do it? Then forget about Lakeland marketing your business. There’s no way to survive in the industry you are in if you cannot value your customers.

What your customers need is for you to show the appreciation that they chose your brand over the others. You can do that primarily by answering their questions and comments as fast as you can. That shows them that you value their loyalty to your brand. No matter where they are, whether they’re doing business online or with your brick-and-mortar stores, your customers want fast and efficient service.

The numbers even differ depending on the platforms that they use. Those who use Twitter expect a faster response than those who use Facebook. Apparently, 53% of customers on Twitter demand that their tweets get a response in less than an hour. When the tweet is based on a complaint, 72% of customers want a reply within an hour. That’s the reason why more companies are focused on their Twitter profiles than their Facebook pages. Twitter seems to be the platform that customers use to engage with the brands that they support.

Create a Strategy for Responding to Your Customers

The only way never to miss responding to customers is when there’s someone who’s assigned to asking inquiries and complaints all-day-long. Make sure that there’s someone who’s priority task is to monitor social media updates and mentions about your brand and company. This person should be glued to these social media platforms eight to 10 hours a day, or as much as possible.

Make sure your customers also know when to expect a response. If you only get someone to man the lines for eight hours, then let your customers know that no one’s going to respond to them when they complain at 1AM. Let them know that your communication lines operate only during office hours, too. That will manage their expectations.

Remember never to put off a complaint or an inquiry or a general question. Every customer engagement should be important to your business. This is the best Lakeland marketing strategy.