There’s a common consensus among digital Lakeland marketing experts that in a few years, traditional marketing will die a natural death. Now that the coronavirus pandemic highlighted the weaknesses of the marketing strategy, should you still be interested in traditional marketing? Is it simply a waste of money today?
But traditional marketing is the very foundation of the principles that guide you in marketing your business. Experts would at least agree on that. Digital billboards are updated versions of actual billboards. Streamers on websites were derived from the streamers businesses hang on their buildings. Banners, flyers, brochures, newsletters… every one of these is born out of traditional marketing strategies.
In today’s pandemic world, where will this knowledge lead us? Will traditional marketing die because businesses are not allowed to even hand flyers and brochures to passersby?
If your store had to close down during the lockdown period, you should have put up a big sign on your door to explain to your customers how they can reach you. If you’re operating from your home, put up a huge sign on your store to indicate the numbers, social media pages, and websites on which they can find the information about your current operations.
During the lockdown period, people were confused about the state of businesses they usually frequent. They don’t know how to reach the laundromat they frequent. That old diner in the corner of the street from where they get their morning cup of joe? Is that still operational? People were so confused that they started grinding their own coffee beans at home.
But it pays not only to be active on social media but also to put up those signages in your actual store. The few people who decided to brave the outside world to check their favorite places should be well-informed about how to reach these businesses.
Over the years, traditional marketing has been pushed back to obscurity. Less and less businesses are interested in investing in traditional marketing ideas. Instead, they pour their resources into digital platforms where their ads and messages can reach outside their usual audience.
The question remains to be answered: will traditional marketing just die because of the coronavirus pandemic? Once this is all over, how will Lakeland marketing look? Are businesses going to stop reaching out to their market the old-fashioned way? Through pamphlets, brochures, flyers, coupon codes, etc.? For now, as people practice physical distancing, it’s important to harness the power of traditional billboards, streamers, bus and waiting shed advertisements. These remain to be a powerful force to reckon with now that all businesses have is their marketing budget to push their agenda forward.
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