If you are using video content as part of your overall business strategy, you know that they demand a lot more attention than they let on. Videos cannot be left on their own. You cannot expect them to do their magic without putting some effort into optimizing them and designing them specifically for your market. This is the part where your Lakeland internet marketing skills will matter. If you know what your company videos are aiming for—to raise brand awareness and reach customers—then you know that adding subtitles to it is one of the key ingredients that will take it to success.
The presence of videos on your website will generate 66% more interest from your target market. Lead generation is just as high. That’s a number you cannot ignore. But the best part is that there are a lot of kinds of video content that you can produce. You can make webinars, vlogs, interviews, demonstrations, tutorials, live streams, and video advertising.
Then, there’s another way to get better results: you can add subtitles to your videos. If you have the opportunity to add subtitles to your videos, do so. You can maximize the reach by as much as 12%. People will watch your videos for longer lengths of time.
Increased Shares
Someone may share your videos even if they’ve only watched or listened to a snippet of it. They do that after previewing a couple of seconds of the video. But without subtitles, they will have a hard time understanding what your video is about and whether it needs to be shared with their network.
Increased Engagement
When they share the video, the viewers will most likely pull a quote from it. This is easier when there are subtitles on the screen. It makes quoting your videos not only easier, but it also makes sure the quoting was reliable and accurate. You’ll also find more comments when your videos have subtitles. Your audience is more likely to ask questions or reach out with follow-up questions when the videos have subtitles.
Stronger Leads
You are expanding your reach by adding subtitles to the video. One of these Lakeland internet marketing leads may book your services. For example, your video is being shown in a gym. It’s on mute and people can just watch it without ever really hearing what’s it about. That competing noise will make it harder for your video to capture your audience’s attention. But with subtitles, you’re offering a way for your audience to engage.
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