When you start putting your Lakeland content marketing strategy together, you are always encouraged to make the use of different types of content. Blog articles, social media blurbs, and infographics are just a few of the most common types of content that you can be using for your content marketing. 

Out of all of the types of content to use, webinars are one of the biggest, especially today. This is because, with enforced lockdowns happening all over the world, brands are turning to ways to get their content to their audiences in real time. 

Not only that, but webinars allow you to hold online events, giving you the excitement of live events without the trouble of going there in person. However, your webinars should not be limited to the video itself. Here are some ways to maximize your webinar content for your Lakeland content marketing strategy. 

Social media

Social media is an integral part of your content marketing, so when you put out a webinar, you can take key clips from the event and publish it in social media to reach audiences that were not able to catch it the first time around. Keep in mind that if you’re going to be taking video clips for your social media, you should always keep the rules of social media in mind. 

If you take the entire video, then you’re going to lose the interest and attention of your target audience very quickly. Take some of the highlights and showcase this to your social media as a teaser for what they can expect if they check out the rest of the webinar. 

Use it in a podcast

Podcasts are some of the most popular forms of content to be used in a brand’s content marketing strategy. If you repurpose your content and use it in a podcast, you can either explore the topics covered in the webinar further, or you can provide some context and commentary for some of the events covered during the webinar. By adding value to the new content, you are able to give your audience more reasons to follow your content. 

Cover the content in an article

For people who prefer a classic approach to their content consumption, repurposing your webinar content into an article is a good way of getting the key points of the webinar out to your audience. 

This allows the user to take in the key points of the webinar at their own pace, which is a plus for online users. Not only that, but you can use this as a way to spark a discussion in the comments section, which is another great way of getting the most use out of your content.