There are some many changes and evolutions to the website design industry that it’s almost hard to keep track of everything. We have seen the rise and fall of textured design and websites that used to play music on the background. Currently, we are witnessing the era of the minimalist website design, and along with it, the emphasis on mobile responsiveness and mobile experience.

It’s the age of mobile now, and most websites today are fully aware of the importance of having a website design that is fully adaptable to mobile. A mobile friendly website is even rewarded in terms of SEO. Google is more likely to rank websites if they have a mobile friendly website. So if you’re starting out with your very first website, here are some things to help create a great mobile experience.

Understand what it means to design for mobile

It’s important to remember that designing for mobile is completely different from designing for desktop. With this in mind, you need to consider what exactly makes up a good mobile website design experience. Some of this includes a faster loading time and a more simple design experience. Mobile design is all about efficiency, and delivering the information that the user needs as fast as they need it. You want to create a mobile experience that gets the user from Point A to Point B in as little time as possible.

Less is more

With that in mind, minimalism plays a significant role in how mobile websites and applications are designed. All the bells and whistles that you see on desktop are removed completely on mobile, and for good reason. Those desktop features tend to take up more space, and will take more time to load, which is not a good thing for mobile users. Navigation is cut down to the essentials, and website design is attractive, simple, and efficient, all at once.

Mobile specific features

When designers and developers remove desktop features on a mobile design or application, they replace it with features that are perfect on a mobile platform. Some of these utilize features that are only found on a mobile device, such as text messaging, location services, and even your camera.

Remember that mobile has different sized screens too

One thing that plenty of designers forget when designing for mobile is that there are different sized mobile screens as well. It won’t do to simply design for a standard screen size and call it a day, but not all mobile screens are built the same size. So not only should your website design be responsive when it adapts from desktop to mobile, but it should be able to adapt from differently sized mobile screens as well without hurting the user experience.