Floating action buttons, or FABs, for short, are something of a hit or miss in the world of Lakeland website design. A floating action button is characterized by a button that well, floats along the bottom of your screen.

It usually provides an immediate action to the user when they click on it. For example, Gmail’s FAB floats along the lower right corner of the screen, and if you click on it, it allows you the option to compose an email, add a reminder, and your favorite contacts. You can ask any number of designers, and they’ll give you varying answers about whether or not this is really needed.

Some will say that it’s unnecessary, and it blocks off any important elements on the page. Others will tell you that it adds another layer to the user experience, by making the call to action easily accessible to the user, and readily available. As you can see, everyone has an opinion. However, love it or hate it, you can’t deny that FABs work, under certain situations. If you’re interested in incorporating an FAB into your web design, then read on.

Make sure that the size works for the design

When designing an FAB for your web design, make sure that the size of your button is proportionate to your design. The button shouldn’t be too big, or too small. If the button is too large, it will block out elements on your page, and if it is too small, then you render the whole idea of an FAB pointless.

Enforce positive actions with your FAB

Because the FAB acts as another form of your UX in your web design, it’s highly recommended that the actions that is carries out are positive ones. You want users to associate your FAB with a positive action, in the sense that it accomplishes something positive, like compose an email, or favorite. Avoid associating your FAB with actions like cut, or delete.

Decide on the position of your FAB

Afterwards, you should decide on the positioning and function of your FAB on your Lakeland website design. Most FABs are located only on the lower right corner of the screen, where most users expect to see them. However, you should decide on how your FAB reacts when a user clicks on it. Some FABs turn into toolbars when they’re clicked on, and provide additional options once it’s been selected. Other FABs morph and become a part of the overall design.