There are two choices you have once you decide to create a Lakeland marketing campaign for your business. You can either hire a marketing agency or build an in-house marketing team? While there are serious pros and cons for both these strategies, your decision must depend on what your business needs and how much willing are you to focus your entire marketing agenda.

What are my primary marketing needs?

Let us be honest, it is much harder for an in-house marketing team to execute a campaign because of slim resources and manpower. Unless you’re a super big company that can hire several people for your marketing department, we doubt very much that a couple of people can run an entire marketing campaign while also measuring success and trying to reach the business goals.

For an in-house marketing team, it would be much better if your campaign is more focused and streamlined. Meaning, not much people are needed to run it. But for a more comprehensive marketing campaign that tries to reach out to all the levels of your market, you need to outsource and hire a marketing agency.

How much money can I allocate towards hiring a marketing agency?

There are two main routes: pay for the compensation and benefits of an in-house marketing team or pay a one-time fee or the monthly retainer of a marketing agency. A marketing firm will not require you to provide benefits for its marketing professionals. They are the ones who will take care of that for you. What you would only need to pay for is the services that you are availing or a fixed monthly retainer’s fee so the agency gets to be at your beck and call.

One of the most important questions to ask yourself is how much you are willing to spend on your Lakeland marketing efforts. An in-house department is assuredly more expensive than simply hiring a marketing agency.

Can an in-house marketing department match the skills of a marketing agency?

A marketing agency boasts of its manpower. They have everything a marketing campaign needs—digital artists, event organizers, and PR writers. If you’re going to build an in-house marketing department, can your two-person department match the skills of a five-person team from a marketing agency? Can two persons in your team be the PR writer, the event organizer, the marketing strategist, the digital artist all in one?