What is your first impression of the websites that you visit? Usually, your first impression of a website is also the last. After all, would you be willing to navigate through different webpages of that website if you don’t find it attractive in the first place? The Orlando web design doesn’t need to be complex to be effective. In truth, it needs to be simple and precise. But it also needs to be current and up-to-date so that visitors will actually enjoy browsing through it.

Responsive Design

Not many business owners understand that their website needs to be responsive above everything else. You can have the best-designed website on the planet but if it is not responsive and it cannot look great across any device, you will lose customers faster than you can snap your fingers. Whether it be on the small smartphone screen or large computer screen, your website should look the same as your web visitors expect it to look.

Many web designers, in fact, are designing websites to be firstly responsive to smartphones than laptops and desktop computers. This is because about 80% of the population access the internet through smartphones. So, if you do not make your website responsive, you will lose a large chunk of your potential web visitors and customers.

Bold Fonts

Remember that your primary goal is to make visiting your website as comfortable for your visitors as possible. That means using fonts that are easy to read on your website. It may seem boring to use the same old fonts that you use when you write your resume, but this is what will give the readers the most value. You should not let your web visitors strain their eyes when they are reading the content on your website. If you do not take care of how the text looks on your site, you will start to lose web visitors who have a hard time reading small and fancy fonts.

Eye-catching Images

How would the website look exciting and appealing if it does not have eye-catching images? You should create visuals and infographics that will summarize the text on your website. This will allow visitors to more effectively absorb the information quickly and easily. Try not to use stock images that you can find on the web. Web visitors respond positively to unique and authentic images that they can only find on your website.

It’s easy enough to create original photos for your Orlando web design. You do not need the latest camera equipment. Your trusty smartphone will do its job of snapping photos that are good for use on your website.


Your lack of resources should not stop you from creating videos that will break up the block text on your Orlando web design. When used correctly, these videos can make sure that your visitors will be converted into customers and will remain loyal to your organization. Make sure that the videos you create will add value to your website and to the message that you are trying to send your target audience.