Are you one of those business owners who made a website and then, forgot about it? For you, it’s enough that you have a presence on the web. You check the site from time to time but don’t really mind what’s going on in there. For the most part, you’re focused on what’s happening in your store and don’t even think twice about your Tampa web design.

But then, the pandemic happened. You are forced to rethink the way you operate your business. For a time, you had to close your shop and office. Even though the government now allows businesses to operate, you understand that your clients are deathly afraid to go out of their houses. A simple trip to your office or store is not in their minds.

So, did it shock you that the website you have been ignoring for so long can actually be your business’ saving grace? Before you go about redesigning the site, figure out what made it fail in the first place (aside from you not updating it regularly).

Too Complex

When you designed the website for the first time, you might have wrongly used a template that is far too complex from what your audience needs. What it did was to force you to fill up the site with information and data that are not relevant to your web visitors. Complex and busy sites have never done customers any good. Even back in 2012, which was eight years go, complex websites were a no-no. People want simpler designs and layout. The simpler the design, the better it is to the eyes of the web visitors.

Too Generic

Some sites are too generic because the web designers used stock photography or the information on the site doesn’t really add to what the web visitors already know. When web visitors go to your site, it’s because they want to find out more about your company, products, services, and offers. But if you are going to provide the same information you have already provided on your social media channels, what makes your site special? Why would web visitors even want to visit your website? What’s going to make it special?

To prevent your Tampa web design from being too generic, don’t use too much stock photography. You can either shoot your own images or mix them up with each other.

Too Narcissistic

Websites tend to be egocentric. This means that when web visitors land on your website, everything they read is about your company—how you started, how many awards you have, and who are the people behind your company. But your web visitors, more than anything else, are trying to look for solutions to their problems. That is what your website should give them.