It is common for businesses to run low on content ideas. It happens all the time because they could no longer think about topics that their audience will be interested in. If your business has been around for a long time, there is a big possibility that you have thought about all the possible angles of the products and services that you offer. So, how can you make fresh content for your Tampa web design? You can look at user-generated content to market your business.

The problem is that it’s not easy to convince customers to generate content about the products and services that they purchased from your business. You need to convince them first that doing so will be beneficial for them and sharing their knowledge with potential customers will enable these new customers to make the right decision. You also have to use this content in such a way that you will not feel forced or staged. When potential customers and your audience feel that you’re forcing the products on them, they will naturally stay away from your business.

Be Authentic

Nothing feels forced on social media than being fake. You should make an effort to be authentic to your customers by engaging with them through every mean available. You should like their posts. You should comment on their photos and videos. You should re-share relevant content on your page. Creating a community where your customers feel appreciated will benefit your business in the end.

And why would you have to force yourself to be good to your customers? These are the people who support your business and you should support them right back. If they have their own small business, would it kill you to also take a look at their products and services and purchase from them? You need to give back to your customers because they are the ones who will bring your business to success.

Reward Your Contributors

What better way to encourage customers to generate content than create a contest out of it? You should make it a point to reward your top contributors by sharing their content or giving them prizes in exchange for the content that they produced. You should make a contest for your customers to create content that will be beneficial for your business and your Tampa web design. You can ask them to take photos of the products that they bought from your business. This will encourage future contributions from them.