Lakeland web designIn September this year, the British Virgin Islands was damaged by Hurricane Irma. It was a devastation unlike any before and it will take months, even years, before residents can get back on their feet once more and see the islands pre-Irma. The hurricane, believed to be the most powerful to hit the islands in recent times, left it without power for weeks and displaced thousands of families. All throughout this, social media platforms and traditional news outfits made calls for donations and relief goods. Proper Lakeland web design would have also helped in rearing in assistance and aid from all over the world.


How can a well-laid out website design, for example, help the victims of the typhoon? How was the Internet used during these trying times? For Virgin Islands homegrown hero and NBA superstar Tim Duncan, the solution was simple. Harness his star power and the internet to make people “move” and take action. Through a website dedicated to helping the victims of the hurricane, Duncan was able to raise millions of dollars for the rehabilitation of the islands and was able to distribute thousands of food packs for the displaced people.


Throughout all of these, one thing stands out if you’re looking at it from the perspective of an outsider. How can you harness the power of social media if you are no Tim Duncan but simply wants to help those affected by the hurricane? The answer is simple enough. Build a website that will cater to exactly what you are offering—whether services or food packages. Your website must reflect what you are trying to send across as a message—to aid those in need.


When a site is well laid out, it is easy for people to understand what to do once there. For example, you opened up a site for relief operations and all you can see are photos of the devastation. While these would help attract more aid, it does not really tell what needs to be done. Your website design should be streamlined enough so that people know where to go if they want to donate. A clickable donate button should be front and center of the main page, so that people, who don’t have the time nor the energy to browse through photos and posts, can give their donation with hassle.


A Lakeland web design that is well thought of is not only for the benefits of a business. It can also help relief operation efforts by disseminating the right information and attracting the attention of donors.