If you’re running an exclusively online business, you may know that it can be rather difficult to get customers to trust in your business. No matter how good of a Lakeland website design you have, or how well thought out of a concept your business has, if you’re still on the first legs of starting your own business, it can be really hard to build up a sense of trust with your customers.

A large part of this can be attributed to the fact that plenty of customers find it difficult to trust in an online presence that doesn’t have much of a presence outside of the internet. This is why retail stores that have an online site to sell more products have more luck in establishing a successful eCommerce website.

However, do not despair. It might take some work, but it is possible to establish a sense of trust in potential customers and clients, even with these obstacles in your way. You can do this through the use of social proof. Social proof is simply feedback from customers that talk about their experiences with your products and services.

These are essential in any business, not only online ones, because customers are more likely to trust in a business that has a high level of social proof. It is also a pretty versatile format, which makes it easy to adapt to any industry. Here are some ways that you can use social proof to convert your users into customers.

Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are a great way of letting other people know about the quality of the products and services offered by your business. Presented in either text or video format, these customer testimonials consist of past customers or clients talking about their experiences with your business and the products that you sell.

Expert endorsements

For industries that need a little more convincing to win customers over, expert endorsements can be used to give your products a little boost. These can be used in businesses that sell more specialized items, like those pertaining to the medical industry for example, where an expert’s opinion is highly valued. Experts talk about the advantages of using a particular product and how customers’ lives can benefit from using this item.

Product reviews

Like customer testimonials, product reviews talk about experiences pertaining to products only. These are especially useful in eCommerce sites whose revenue relies heavily on products sales. These are easily integrated into the Lakeland website design and can be seen when customers click on a product page to learn more information about it.