Video background is not a new trend in Lakeland web design. In fact, there are designers out there who say that the style is overused and adds nothing to the overall user experience. However, when it comes to web design, the most important thing to remember is balance. When used incorrectly, it is true that video background can be very overwhelming to the user, to the point of annoyance.
When deciding whether or not to use video background in your web design, ask yourself first if your design can really benefit from that move. One must not bend to the trends of web design for the sake of trend alone. Remember that a video background is bound to grab the attention of the user right off the bat. If you have other content or copy on your site that you want them to focus on, you risk diverting their attention away from the more important stuff.
If you really feel like your website can benefit significantly from video background, then keep these tips in mind. Firstly, your video shouldn’t be too long. If you’re going to be using a three-minute video background, you might as well upload that on YouTube. The recommended length for background video should be about ten seconds. A short video that loops should be sufficient for getting your point across to users.
Also, cut the sound out of the video, as this is one of the main reasons why many users find video background irritating. You can make use of other effect to help get the point across to users without using sound, such as subtitles and layered text. It’s all a matter of using it strategically.
Don’t forget to keep your video background as simple as you need it to be. Don’t go overboard with animations or overly complex effects, you’ll end up taking away from the main point of the video. It’s important to remember the background aspect of your video background, which means that it serves to complement and boost the other elements of the page, not overpower them. All you really need to do is make sure that the video contains the message that you want to get across, and doesn’t come off as overly complicated.
Finally, when using a video background, always go back to your site analytics and see if the video background is working out for your website. After all, in the end, no matter how well you implemented your video background, if the numbers don’t reflect anything positive, you might be doing something wrong. If the numbers look good, then great, but if they don’t, try to do a little more testing to see what might actually work with your video background.