You could be doing everything right with your Lakeland web design. Everything could be perfectly optimized, your site’s navigation could be borderline psychic, your load time could be lightning fast, and you could still be losing money from your site. How could that be? Well for one, you might be missing a blog from your website. A blog is an excellent source of SEO and content marketing on your site, and is a sign of good site design. So to answer the question at the top of this article, yes, you should include a blog in your web design. Listed below are the reasons why a blog is beneficial for your site.

Having a blog can boost your SEO

Having a consistently run blog on your site helps boost your overall SEO ranking. This is because search engines are more likely to rank sites that have regularly updated content. If you create content and publish it on a regular basis, search engines crawlers are more likely to visit your site and index your content, which makes it easier for your users to find your site. By regularly updating your site content, you are signalling to search engines that your site is up and running, and hasn’t been abandoned. The usage of keywords and backlinking is also an excellent source of SEO on your site.

A blog helps you connect with your visitors

If you’ve been regularly updating your blog, then there is a good chance that you’ve pretty much covered all the bases when it comes to the specifics of your field or business. Having a blog is a great way to connect with your visitors because they may have a questions about the nature of your business, but may feel as though it may be too trivial to go through the effort of sending an email. Fortunately, they may see the focus of their question addressed in one of your blog posts, or they might choose to leave a comment on one of your posts to engage with you. The comments section can also be used for other users to engage with you and each other.

It gives you more content for your social media marketing

Social media marketing is a very important part of site marketing. While it would be great for your site to standalone and attract visitors without having to put in any additional effort, the fact of the matter is, you will need social media marketing in order to reach as wide an audience as you can. However, if you don’t have a blog, that’ll be very hard to do, because you can only market the same pages so many times. Having a regular stream of content guarantee that you’ll have something new for your followers every time, which is great for attracting new visitors and guaranteeing loyalty from repeat visitors.