Nowadays, a responsive Lakeland web design is more important than ever, especially with the percentage of mobile users growing year after year. Responsive web design refers to your web design’s ability to adapt to different sized screens, not just mobile. If your site’s design is not responsive, then if you try to view it on another kind of screen, then it wouldn’t look right and all the elements would look out of place.
Because more online users make use of alternative devices to browse the internet, it’s important that your website is able to accommodate those users, otherwise you might miss out on potential customers and users. Here are some ways that you should be considering responsive web design into your websites.
Your navigation has to be considered
You have to remember that navigation in both mobile and desktop are very different. On desktop, it’s easy to work with the larger space and just let your imagination flow. However, with a responsive web design, mobile must be considered in the equation, so you need to be strategic in how you design your site’s navigation.
You can make use of several UX tricks such as drop down and hamburger menus to help you be more economical with your limited space. However, you need to make sure that the most important links and pages are easily seen by the user. These should be the links that users will need to interact with the most on your site.
Your design has to be designed with mobile in mind
The easiest way to have a responsive web design is to design your site with mobile already in mind. This helps you put things in perspective and cuts down on having to make changes later on for mobile adaptability. In responsive web design, simplicity is key. By designing your website with mobile in mind, you already guarantee that your site works on mobile, as well as on tablets and on desktop.
You’ll have to cut down on written content
When considering the written content for a responsive web design, you know that you only have a limited amount of space to work with, so you might have to cut down on some of the content that you have on your website. You’ll have to shave off some of your written content to the most important points to accommodate this.
Take a good look at your images and animations
In addition to editing your written content, you have to scale down your images and animation. However, it’s important that not only do you get the visual content to fit on different screens, but that they load accordingly. Remember that mobile users rely on mobile data a large percentage of the time, so they won’t take kindly to a Lakeland web design that takes a lot of time to load because the images are too large to be properly accommodated on a mobile phone.