There’s no way we can count the number of font styles out there. Every day, there’s a new typeface that is being created and being distributed to people for free. Who are we to ignore and reject these stylish fonts, right? However, not everything should be used on your Lakeland web design, no matter how cute or how clean the font looks like. There are a lot of considerations you need to make when finalizing what font styles to use, and mainly it’s about the compatibility of the typeface, the load time, and the design purpose.

But first, you need to ask yourself how you want your web design to be conveyed? Do you want your website to be serious, professional, playful? These characteristics will determine whether or not you can choose a Sans Serif font or a type of cursive font style that’s perfect for wedding and anniversary invitations.

Remember the fundamentals

Here’s what you need to know about different font styles: serif and sans serif are the most widely used, space is everything, and readability is critical. The reason why many designers choose serif and sans serif is because these are clean to look at. If you want your website to look professional, formal, and serious, you need to only use these fonts because it will provide a pristine overall look to your site.

On the other hand, you need to stick also with the classic serif and sans serif. Many font designers have somehow managed to make these two fonts cluttered by narrowing the spaces between. For the print industry, this saves paper and ink. However, a web design has more leeway for spaces, so you should stick to the classics that have ample space between the letters. This allows for better readability.

Check the compatibility

Not all font types are compatible with the browsers your visitors are going to use. This means you need to choose fonts that are compatible across all web browsers used on both desktop and mobile device. What happens when a font is not compatible with a particular website is that it forms boxes, bullets, and characters that your visitors won’t be able to decipher.

Use a web font service

To avoid all the technical problems, you might have to use a web font service. This type of service makes sure that all fonts you’re going to use on your website are compatible with browsers across desktops and mobile services.